Images & Activities
In March 2024 we are celebreting our 70th Annoversary.
A special report and some images will be uploaded very soonl
Please contact for more details, if you are interested to visit or join us and check our new programme for 2024.
Thank you.
Here some pictures from the party of our Honorable Member, Auctioneer and former President COLIN ROWE in October 2023 at the Simons Town Country Club for his 90th Birthday celebration.

Above see Colin together with some guests from our Society and for the first time in many years with all his three sons.

Above our previous President Dave Young and committee members. Here our new elected President Johan de Wet (r) with Alan Sanders (l).

Members in the hall busy chatting and looking at interisting exhibits on the boards and tables.

Above our auctioneer Colin Rowe (88) looking at exhibits and at right busy with the Club auction, assisted by Andrew McLaren.
Below our 65th Society Birthday has been celebrated on 1st October 2019 in the Minor Hall, Civic Centre in Fish Hoek.
Members were enjoying the meeting, the exhibits and and the delicious food platters, cake and wine in the kitchen.

Some impressions from our 4th Auction in the Minor Hall on 11th May 2019
Auctioneer: Colin Rowe, Organizer: Volker Janssen, Treasurer: Neville Wyness

Some pictures from our annual Christmas Party on 4th December 2018 in the Minor Hall Kitchen:

Images from our annual Christmas Breakfast on 24th November 2018 at the False Bay Yacht Club Restaurant in Simon's Town:


Colin Rowe & Friends
Impressions from a great Party at the Western Cape Cricket Club on 17.Oct.2018 for the 85th BIRTHDAY of our Honorary Life Member and Auctioneer. Photos have been taken by Loick Moikouima.

Some images of our 3rd Stamp Auction in Fish Hoek on Saturday, 8th September 2018
The well attended meeting of 1st. May 2018 for the Foreign Cup Competition. (Winner: Colin Rowe)

Our Christmas Party in the kitchen after the President's Evening (Meeting of 05.December 2017)

Our annual Christmas-Breakfast on Saturday 25.November at the "Neptune's Yacht Club" in Simon's Town.

Two young girls of the former Juniors are receiving the medals for
their exhibit at the Royal Philatelic Society of Cape Town.
Junior's Evening on 05. September 2017 with thematic exhibits of Sarah Knight and other former members.

Photos: Jim Knight
Below some images of our last AGM of 07. March 2017:

Former President Brian Franklin with his certificate for life membership. - Brian Franklin and the new FHPS President Dave Young.

Former President Brian Franklin enjoying his special present for standing as FHPS President for 26 years 1991 - 2017.
After the AGM Volker Janssen showed his 80 pages exhibit of "Errors on Stamps".
OUR JUNIORS (Funky Fish Hoek Filatelists) were busy preparing for participating at the National Stamp Exhibition 2016
in Johannesburg (SAPDAPEX). Due to poor organization only one out of three exhibitions has been shown in the big hall...
At least all three shows were presented at the December meeting in Fish Hoek and the girls received a small silver cup and a warm
congratulation from the Vice President Dave Young and a big applause from the members at our Christmas meeting on 6.December.
Photos below taken by Jim Knight.

Society Meeting of 01st December 2015 (President's Evening) was also a Junior's Meeting and exhibition.
Vice-President Dave Young is handing the SETEMPE Trophy to Sarah Knight for the Junior's successful exhibitions
at the National Stamp Exhibition CAPEX 2015 in Cape Town. The girls (and moms) were very proud!)

Photos by Jim Knight
A very nice article, published by our local newspaper "FALSE BAY ECHO" on 29th Oct. 2015:

JUNIORS (Funky FishHoek Filatelists)
Our new section of juniors members, started by Chantal Benade are now meeting regular at the home of one of our senior members Di Hargreaves, Dave Young and Jim Knight.
Below the meeting of 17th April 2015 at Dave's house. Pictures have been taken by Jim Knight. At present some of the juniors are preparing thematic exhibitions for the National Stamp Exhibition CAPEX 2015 in Cape Town. To see how much they enjoy their stamps is giving us all hope that philately will have a future for the younger generation.

On Tuesday 07.October 2014 we were celebrating the 60th Anniversary of our Society. It was also our annual "Ladie's Night" and reason enough to enjoy the meeting and celebration afterwards.

Tuesday 05.August 2014 was our 1st. STAMP BOURSE in Fish Hoek at the Minor Hall,Civic Centre.
Members and visitors brought stamps, scratch boxes, collections accessories, books, catalogues etc.

Please also enjoy some pictures of our members and activities:

Our former President and Honorary Lifetime Member Brian Franklin at the AGM on 04th March 2014.

Our Honorary Lifetime Member:
Mr Colin Rowe

Four of our Commitee members. All were re-elected at the AGMs 2014 and 2015:
From left to right: Mr Eric Barnes, Mr Michael Loos, Mr Brian Franklin(President) and Mr Volker Janssen(Secretary).

Meeting of Tuesday, 07.May.2013 (Postal Stationery Evening)-Members listening to Colin Rowe's talk about postal stationery.

Members at the AGM meeting at festively decorated Minor Hall. - Two colourful ladies (Di and Dawn) in philatelic discussions...

Members checking the exhibition of the evening. ------------------Our President and deputy auctioneer Brian Franklin in action.
(125 years of Finnish Stamps by Volker Janssen.)
from 17th - 19th October 2013 at the Long Beach Mall, Noordhoek
Photographic impressions by Volker Janssen
Busy members sorting scratch boxes
Dominique of SA Post Office selling new issues
Small public Stamp Exhibition in the Mall
Short stamp chat with the President
The next generation of Philatelists...
The photo above was chosen for the cover page of the December issue of the SA Philatelist
Even when the show was over our treasurer couldn't get enough of looking at stamps....
Mrs Alicia Wannerton (1939 - 2013) FHPS Hon.Lifetime Member.
Mr John Hodgson (1916 - 2013) FHPS Hon. Lifetime Member.
Mr John Cheminais (1929- 2019) RDPSA and FHPS Hon. Lifetime Member